Artificial Intelligence: What Will the Next 20 Years Bring?


Artificial Intelligence: What Will the Next 20 Years Bring?
In Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig's seminal book, Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach, the two authors wind up their work with a chapter looking at the future of artificial intelligence (AI). Their book is still the text of choice for teaching …
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How 'artificial swarm intelligence' uses people to make better predictions
Since the 1950's, when researchers began searching for ways to create artificial intelligence, much focus has been on developing artificial neural networks—building intelligence from scratch. Turning this concept on its head, an approach dubbed …
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Apple Acquires Artificial Intelligence Startup
“The purchase of Emotient also highlights how relevant artificial-intelligence and machine-vision expertise is right now. And these are areas where UC San Diego is actively investing yet more research resources.,” said Albert Pisano, dean of the Jacobs …
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