Piper nv: An ambitious home monitoring and automation system


Piper nv: An ambitious home monitoring and automation system
Home automation has become a Big Thing and with it the surveillance and monitoring systems market has exploded. My focus today, the Icontrol Networks Piper nv, is ostensibly in the monitoring market but it's an ambitious product that attempts to do a …
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Smart-Home Market Firing On All Cylinders
Clare Controls: The company created a home-automation kiosk that builders can use in show homes or design centers to demonstrate smart-home technology. The kiosk is said to eliminate the investment previously required in show homes to install and …
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Ford Wants Your Car to Control Your Home
The car maker on Tuesday announced it's partnering with Amazon and home-automation company Wink to develop technologies that would let consumers operate their home from the car. Once Ford's technology gets off the ground, consumers would be able …
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