How I learned to love Alexa (and Amazon's Echo)
After the failure of the Fire Phone and the so-so Fire TV, it was hard to get excited about Amazon's $ 180 Echo wireless speaker. At best, it seemed like a superfluous device that simply mimicked voice-powered tech from our phones in monolithic speaker …
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Amazon Echo: Nachfolger wohl in Arbeit
In der ersten Version von Amazon Echo hört Alexa, die digitale Sprachassistentin, dauerhaft zu. Das macht es einfach, ihr aus mehreren Metern Entfernung Fragen zum Wetter zu stellen oder etwas bei Amazon zu bestellen. Über den Echo Lautsprecher …
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5 things you can now do with your Amazon Echo and 3 things you can't
Next, gather your friends and family, pass out some markers and your Bingo sheet print outs, tell the Echo “Alexa, open Bingo” and let Alexa call out the numbers for you. Shared calendars: Simply ask Alexa, “What's my calendar today” and she'll let you …
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