Lastest Artificial Intelligence News


Weekly Wrap: Artificial intelligence to boost insurance
Zhang said Baidu is already beginning to apply artificial intelligence to insurance and loan underwriting, where he sees real possibilities for such systems to better assess risk. "In insurance and consumer loans, A.I. and machine learning can help you …
Read more on Insurance Business

This Website Will Rate Your Attractiveness Using Artificial Intelligence
A new website is using artificial intelligence to tell you how hot you are. Simply upload your photo, and the program will guess your age and rate your attractiveness as one of the following: hmm…O.K., nice, hot, stunning or godlike. The website is …
Read more on Observer

Investing In Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is one of the most exciting and transformative opportunities of our time. From my vantage point as a venture investor at Playfair Capital, where I focus on investing and building community around AI, I see this as a great time …
Read more on TechCrunch

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