Apple Buys ArtificialIntelligence Startup Emotient


Apple Buys ArtificialIntelligence Startup Emotient
In October, Apple confirmed that it had acquired another artificial-intelligence startup, VocalIQ Ltd., that aims to improve a computer's ability to understand natural speech. In May, Emotient announced that it had been granted a patent for a method of …
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Artificial Intelligence Finally Entered Our Everyday World
But 2015 is the year artificial intelligence technology took off in a big way in the real world. DuLight and the Google chatbot may be experiments, but Facebook's face recognition, Microsoft's Skype translation, and Google's Android voice recognition …
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Google chairman Eric Schmidt: Artificial intelligence platforms can 'change
Former Google CEO Erich Schmidt has high hopes for artificial intelligence (AI), Bloomberg reports. The billionaire, who is now executive chairman of Google's parent company, Alphabet, delivered a talk in New York this week where he claimed AI has the …
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